Nexgen RMS

Nexgen RMS - Research Management System

Nexgen Research Management System (RMS) is a full-featured, automated and user friendly solution that helps in managing and accessing information stored across various data systems through a single console.

Nexgen Research Management System makes use of a simple knowledge interface to stock up and deliver information that is critical in decision making. Data spread across disparate systems are structured and consolidated by storing it under various categories, tagging it for the relevant keyword.  This enables users to both create and search for information, internally or externally through powerful and intelligent search based on keywords and intent.

Nexgen RMS simplifies and automates many tasks like planning surveys, scheduling interviews, tracking emails and many more. With this Research Management System, it is simple for portfolio managers to configure and generate portfolio.  The financial advisors could monitor the status of various tasks and speed up operational workflows with minimal administration. Email conversations, documents, reports and everything can be accessed at a single search.