In today's retail sector shelf space management and visual presentation of products are considered to be very important. Planogram is a software used specifically, to optimize shelf space and increase instore visibility. Not just that, it also aids a retailer in determining where and how products should be placed so to gain maximum customer attraction and sales.
In a crowded retail store, brands and retailers spend a lot of time in product planning and execution but monitoring compliance can often be challenging. Lack of compliance analysis causes wastage in terms of money as well as time. To ensure planogram store compliance, retailers will need a systematic approval flow of their planogram. Mostly in every retail store, the category management team will create a standardized planogram and sends it to the sales, marketing or execution team according to their current marketing strategy. By using photoshop, paint or other native applications, they will edit the planograms and send it back to the category management team for the approval process. Unfortunately, many people spend incredible amounts of time trying to process approvals within the organization. But efficient approval flows can help in simplifying the entire execution process and enable employees to get work done with minimum time and effort.

Overview of Planogram Approval Flow
Planograms helps the retailer by ensuring right placement of products by following a structured design. It is a visual merchandising tool that contain detailed drawings of organization layout with primary focus on product placement. Planogram approval flows are vital for category managers in ensuring in-store performance. It is used to avoid errors in placing the products or to come up with a good marketing plan. Approvals are often given by the category management team, marketing or sales team depending on the size of retail stores. Planogram will not be executed to the real shelf space unless it is not approved by the sales team.
Steps in planogram approval flow:
Step 1: Select the planogram for approval
The first step in the approval flow involves selecting the desired planogram and sending a request to the authorized person for his approval. Retailer can usually share the planogram for approval, track it using the same platform and can add any message for the approver’s further clarification. After sending the approval request, the user will receive an email with the link.
Step 2: Approve/decline the planogram request
The approver can check the planogram request and decide whether to approve or decline the planogram. He also has an option to add comments. While he has the option to approve or decline the planogram, he cannot edit it.
Step 3: Know the approval status
Once the approver approves/declines the planogram, the user will receive an email with the approval status and comments. The user will be able to know about the approval status of the planogram then.
Overview of Nexgen POG
Nexgen POG is a robust and user-friendly cloud-based planogramming software. It is a visual merchandising tool with an effective compliance and report analysis. The all-new approval flow of Nexgen POG helps the category management team to ensure planogram compliance with multiple feedback features. Nexgen POG has a wide array of features like customizable templates, bulk image upload, bulk data upload, approval workflows, visual analysis and more. Nexgen POG is a simple and effective planogramming with free trails.
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